Well, with regards to the Wendy boot, I can't say I'm terribly disappointed. She was one of the targets we had discussed earlier in the round, so I guess it's acceptable that she went. I'm not especially cut up about it. The way I see it, it's just another shot for the Atacama Of course, it's a little disappointing that Yve didn't vote Tyrone, which could have ultimately led to my downfall, but we're going to overlook it as a simple error in judgement.
At this point, I'm just glad I wasn't the merge boot, which could have been possible if Tyrone had escaped the tie. It also could have been possible if I had been stupid enough to go ahead with my plan to change the votes, as though it mattered how I voted on the revote. I'm ultimately glad that things played out the way they did, giving me time to just hold on as long as possible.
The next move to be made is up in the air at the moment. Can we convince Ken to vote Tyrone? Or is he not up for that plan? Should we maybe extend an olive branch to those two, and bring them into our alliance? These are all possibilities, and I hope we can make them play out in our favour.