I could stick with Holly and Jill ta move forward in the game. I think that'd be a safe was ta make the final 6 or so. But honestly, I find that ta be unbelievably boring. So that ain't gon happen on my watch.
My question. Do I turn on 'em at final 10 with:
russ, ken, chase, jake, yve, jill = holly
jo, holly, ty, danny = chase
russ, ken, chase, jake, danny, ty = holly
jo, holly, yve, jill = chase
Do I make my move at the final 9 like this:
russ, ken, jake, jve, jill = holly
jo, holly, ty, danny = ken
russ, ken, jake, danny, tyrone = holly
jo, holly, yve, jill = ken
The problem that I'm encountering is that Yve completely jumped from the sinking ship that was Atacama. Jake is in the process, but he didn't do it fast enough. Jake and Chase are confident that Yve will vote with 'em, but she showed me at this last vote that she ain't even interested in entertaining the notion.
I think the key ta turnin' this game around is ta actually work with Danny/Tyrone and the Atacama boys left over. I think Jake is pretty close with Danny, and Ken will stick with any plan that involves him not goin' home. Hell, Jill's even brought up the idea ta me about votin out Holly. I don't think that it's necessary ta involve her, but the smaller the gap between the two sides the better, right?
MOVIN' FORWARDI think it's better ta wait til 9. I love Chase, and I think he knows he's fucked. He'd be a possible jury vote fer me if he made it. Right now, I think Wendy definitely would too, and might possibly be turnin' the tides in my favor on the jury.
After bootin' Holly at 9, I'd set out ta take out Yve next. Hopefully form a final 5 deal with myself, Kenny, Danny, Tyrone, and Jolanda. Then a final three with Danny and Tyrone would hopefully bring me a win in this game.
Any questions?