Episode 10

9th Place

Episode 10

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:00:20 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Congrats on making Final 10! You're half way there! *Bon Jovi plays silently in the background*

    I don't have a lot to ask you, so I guess you should just tell me what's up.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Holly » Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:18:00 pm

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    derp if the numbers are handed out alphabetically..
    1 chase
    2 dan
    3 holly
    4 jake
    6 jolanda
    7 ken
    8 tyrone
    9 yve

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Holly » Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:00:28 am

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    ok, I was wrong about that but this game seems that easy.

    The Ted vote went smoothly with, I presume, Jake the only one not living up to my expectation. Its ok though, he is disposable.

    Right now there's a group of seven with myself, Jolanda, Russell, Dan, Tyrone and Jill. Yve is the seventh although her association is through me. Ken is also been told whats going on although not seen as part of the main group.

    There's whispers of Jake and Chase trying to rope in Jolanda and myself with Yve to get a majority and vote out Ken. The beauty of this is that Ken is the last person they would want to try and get out, if anything had they wanted him in I would be worried that the plan is feasible.

    The plan is Chase next and its the way I want to go. After that, if Jake is still open to something with Jo and I with Yve, we could get something happening that could go the distance, especially if Russell follows us. Ideally, Jake leaves soon too because my trust in him has diminished exponentially since the merge.

    Although I'm committed to a final three with Jolanda and Russell, I'm not sure if they are the two I'd like to be next to. Russell would be great because his involvement since the merge has been minimal but I would need to really show I've done more than Jolanda. Could I pull one over and bring Yve to the finals in her place? That might be stupid cos Yve seems the most friendly... but she doesnt talk to most people apparently. That may well be my best option. I want to win this game so badly.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:31:30 pm

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    The one thing conspicuous by it's absence is the lack of any thoughts about the remaining partnerships here. How do they factor into the game for you? I mean, you've covered you and Jolanda pretty well but what about the other one(s) still standing? What about the partnerless players? How much does whether someone is part of a pair or not figure into your plans?

    Do you think being part of a pair still in is making you a target, or are people looking at that as a reason to keep you around?

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Holly » Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:52:37 pm

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    Everyone knows who the pairs are in this game. Jedda post when the first swap was complete gave it away.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Holly » Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:18:23 pm

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    Jedda = Jeffs. Stupid autocorrect.

    How do they factor into the game for you?

    Its always something to think about because you get immunity for being the last ones. I've actually talked down the immunity you get from it a lot to people who could be in positions to decide who gets it so I'm hoping that works in my favor.

    I mean, you've covered you and Jolanda pretty well but what about the other one(s) still standing?

    Chase and Yve, Ken and Tyrone.

    What about the partnerless players?

    Nothing special about that, they are just your normal players and if you can use them to break up partners then its even better.

    How much does whether someone is part of a pair or not figure into your plans?

    Its something to consider but you should never make it your top priority because you dont want to have to potentially break a partnership of people you are aligned with only for it to blow up in your own face by giving away numbers somewhere.

    Do you think being part of a pair still in is making you a target, or are people looking at that as a reason to keep you around?

    Of course it makes us a target. But I think of the pairs left, Jolanda and I are seen as the more reasonable choices to get the Talismans since we've both told most we will use them as soon as possible. No use holding them for too long. People could think about keeping partners around and completely nullify the Talismans but the risks there is one partnership is broken leaving the other at the final 6 with talismans, not a good spot.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:24:51 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    So I'd like to hear more about your plans to keep both you and Jolanda in the game long enough to get the talismans. It looks like you're voting for Chase tonight, correct? Assuming Chase and Yve ARE partners ( icon_mystery ), does that make one of the other remaining pair (or are there more pairs? ( icon_eek icon_mystery) your main priority, or do you let them stick around a little longer?

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Holly » Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:36:22 pm

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    Yve told me CHase was her partner. Everyone knows who the pairs are in the game. Its no secret.

    Chase is leaving tonight which means its down to HoHo/JoJo and Ken/Tyrone. Ken is making a name for himself and doing my dirty work for me. He will be our next potential target and we definitely have the backing to do so. Tyrone was the big one in this, he revealed Kens plan and it shows his loyalty to the Playground Bullies2.0 with Jo and Russell. Jo and I have pledged our word that we use the talismans as early as we can although I may not live up to that if I can get away with it. Its pretty smooth sailing from here, Chase tonight, Ken and Jake after that then its the final 7 and anything can happen.

    Jill-Dan-Tyrone Yve-HoHo-Jo-Russell.

    Take out Dan at 7, Yve and I jump to Jill and Tyrone to take out Jolanda... wait what? Jolanda? But she's my partner? Once we get the talismans the partners mean nothing and out of that group of seven, Jolanda is definitely my biggest threat for the win. I'd love to see her win if I can;t, but thats exactly it... if I can't. While I'm here I want to win, and win convincingly. 9-0-0 would be a good FTC vote for Mama HoHo.

    Any combination of Jill, Yve, Russell, Tyrone at the end and I should smoke it. Russell may be the smokey in that group since he's been a manipulator in the middle but that could work against him.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Holly » Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:53:59 pm

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    Oh, and where's Chad? He's been missing for a while now...

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:55:02 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Holly wrote:Oh, and where's Chad? He's been missing for a while now...

    I know.. we're worried. icon_cry

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Holly » Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:36:26 pm

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    Why are my vote comments always not shown? The YMCA is hilarious.

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