Episode 11

6th Place

Episode 11

Postby Jolanda » Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:37:01 pm

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    I swear this will be the last post tribal confessional to begin with all caps...

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:38:42 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Congrats girl!

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:39:27 pm

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    Thanks Mia! I'm so happy that curse is broken! Now I gotta focus on winning this thing...

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:06:51 pm

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    I remember this challenge!

    *flashback to Jolanda telling Bobby Jon he's forgettable at the TC after this challenge*

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:17:30 pm

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    I don't want Ken to win immunity. It's not like I'll be going home if he wins by any means, it just means that we have a hard decision before us, and I want to relax knowing what the vote is, again.

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:47:59 pm

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    I won immunity! Yay! There is no way I'm gonna be going home in 9th, I'M IN THE TOP 8! :O

    Next time I should be safe too because if Ken goes I have the talisman to use! It's a good day! :D

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:48:58 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Congrats on the immunity, JoJo! This was my challenge last season, so we are kindred souls! icon_wub

    So you've passed the hump and made it to the Final 9! icon_mml

    For this round, is it business as usual, or do you have something else in mind?

    With all this talk about hidden immunity idols and immunity talismans, what's your opinion on it all? Who could have the idols? Who may get the talismans? How does this effect your vote?

    Do you feel safe, or do you think that you might have a target on your back?

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:00:14 pm

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    This is the challenge you pitted Ami and I against eachother and I took too long! It was also my last challenge last season (I checked). It feels great to get redemption for challenges that I lost last season! I would name them all, but there are just too many! Still never got redemption on the freaking puzzle challenge, though :P

    For this round, I think it would be "business as usual" for the six person alliance I'm in. As for Ken, he may think it's business as usual to get rid of Holly, or whoever he wants out. But, what sucks for him is that it looks like he's gonna be targeted!

    My opinion on the idols is very well known to some of the players in this game. If I'm not immune, I'll be asking my allies, "Is this gonna be good? Because I don't want to be idol'd out!" and then they hear that for the rest of the round until tribal. As for the talismans, I know that Ken and Tyrone are the last partnership left in the game besides Holly and I. So, I know that they are not out there yet. If everything goes according to plan, Holly and I will be getting the talismans next round, and I will be using it the first time I don't have immunity, just so I can get that target off of my head.

    I feel safe in the upcoming rounds. I feel like the people that have been targeting me to leave are all gone (Ted, Chase, and I'm sure that Wendy would have given the opportunity). I only need to worry about Ken and Jake at this point because they are the ones I don't really have as trustworthy allies. I'm sure I can trust Jake, but I don't think so. I know for a fact that I have Holly, Russell, Tyrone, and Dan in my back pocket ready to defend me. I just need to make sure they all think I'm close to all of them. It's gonna suck when I have to start voting them off, though.

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Kim Mullen » Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:22:55 pm

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    Congrats on making it past Final 10! Now make it to the end and win please and ty

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:32:00 pm

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    I'm trying my hardest, Kim! Hopefully I'll get a shot!

    3/8 chance for me to make the FTC at this point! :D

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:23:56 am

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    In your face F10 stumbling block! #Jolandomination

    Now I'm especially interested because this means this is all virgin territory for you right?

    Jolanda wrote:I don't want Ken to win immunity. It's not like I'll be going home if he wins by any means, it just means that we have a hard decision before us, and I want to relax knowing what the vote is, again.

    This bit sticks out to me from above. Say Ken had been immune, who would it have been instead? Do you have any kind of bootlist drawn up in your head of who you'd like to see leave each round and how you stay safe in the following rounds? Who is your ideal F3 at this point & is that a manageable target?

    I guess I'm asking how you get from here to there.

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:23:58 pm

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    Yep, this is all new stuff for me! I mean, I made it past 10th when I used to play ORGs a few years ago, but they were nothing like any of the ORGs here. I hope I can learn quickly because I want to win this thing.

    As for who it would have been instead, probably Jake, because he was the next one on our hit list at that time. As for my possible future bootlist, it changes every single time I think about it. The only constant in my bootlist is Russell with me in the final three, the only other question is who else is with me? I'd love to bring Holly to the final three for loyalty and all that stuff, but I don't think I could beat her, I also have the same concern about Yve in the final 3. As for everybody else, I think I'll be able to beat them at the FTC, I'm just not so sure about Holly or Yve. I want to take Tyrone far, but I don't know how to do that without making myself a target, because he's always a target. I guess I'll just have to throw things to the wall strategically and see what sticks.

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:01:05 pm

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    It looks like all the ducks are in line to get rid of Ken tonight!

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:08:44 pm

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    We really did a wonderful job making Ken think that he was safe tonight. LOLJK SHIT JUST GOT REAL!

    He left out Yve, Jill, and I in his little rant, so that makes me feel good about his jury vote if I were to make the FTC!

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:09:43 pm

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    And I'm just sitting back her keeping my mouth shut. I don't want anything to blow up in MY face, after all.

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:32:26 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    So you survived the vote, but we've got another immunity challenge and tribal to get through... What's the plan? Were you shocked by the outcome of tonight's vote?

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:33:28 pm

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    WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TONIGHT??!?!?! MOTHER FUCKERS VOTED OFF HOLLY? She did NOT deserve to go this early. She was a great player, and I don't trust Ken AT ALL. Dan and Russ also screwed me over, so I guess I'm next. I need immunity tonight.

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:39:01 pm

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    I hate everyone so much right now. Except Yve, and it looks like she's gonna be going home tonight in about an hour or so. God dammit, I have no idea what to do from here on out.

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:01:48 pm

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    Well, that was hectic. I'm going home, I believe. Not by an idol, though, so I guess that's a good thing. At least I made it to the top 8!

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Jolanda » Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:02:55 pm

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    This is gonna be a dull weekend if I'm voted off tonight.

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