Final Words

6th Place

Final Words

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:08:51 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    So heartbreaking. You had a hell of a story, and one of the best turnarounds I've ever seen.

    Here is where we'd like you to look back over the game and share any thoughts you can't post in Ponderosa. What did you learn from this experience first and foremost? Any regrets about the last vote or your game in general? Who are you rooting for and against?

    Re: Final Words

    Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:12:39 pm

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    OfflineJeff Probst
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    And would you return again ;)

    Re: Final Words

    Postby Jolanda » Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:31:47 pm

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    Well, I had a WONDERFUL time playing this time around. Much better than Costa Rica, I feel like I was more self aware this time, and more willing to change my plans. I'm damn proud of 6th place, honestly. Ibe got 6th last season, so I guess it is fitting that I got it this season!

    I'm still not really used to the fact that I was voted off just yet, it may take me a while to adjust. I fought like hell to stay in the game, I did not want to go. I liked Yve, but looking at the jury comments and that stuff, I feel like she was really fake, so I don't really know if I like her anymore, and I'm not surprised that she turned on me. I'm pissed off at Jake and Ken, though, they have turned their back on me time and time again. I think Jake betrayed me like three times, and I still wanted to go back to him. No idea why. There is no way either of them are getting my vote at the end. I'm rooting so hard for Tyrone right now! I don't even care if I know he's not gonna win, but I want Tyrone to make the FTC, so I can write his name down for the winner!

    Re: Final Words

    Postby Jolanda » Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:32:51 pm

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    Jeff Probst wrote:And would you return again ;)

    I'd be down for that! As long as it's not anytime in between mid June and mid August, I'll do it! Not next season (if it's returnees) I need a Stranded break!

    Re: Final Words

    Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:55:01 pm

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    OfflineJeff Probst
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    Haha no you def. need a break.

    Re: Final Words

    Postby Jolanda » Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:02:56 pm

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    Also I'm not really bitter at anybody. I never am. I just like to pretend to be bitter. There is a chance I'd vote for Jake or Ken to win, if they present their case at FTC well enough.

    Re: Final Words

    Postby Jolanda » Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:11:49 pm

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    So, I just read through ALL of my confessionals to see where I went wrong, and what did I regret coming from this, and the answer is nothing. I don't regret anything and I don't wish I did anything differently. I'm super proud of the way I played this game, and my placement!

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