Ken - you suck
Jake - you also suck
Yve - you seem stupid
Holly wrote:Ken - You were a decent enough player to start. I remember the joy when you passed being second boot and then when you past the 15th place. There was a great friendship there which I expected from you and all was well and good, on both tribes. Although on Palena things quietened down a touch but that's expected sometimes when there's a switch and you're trying to build new connections with people you hadn't met or hadn't seen for a while. But we were still good.
Then the merge hit. You turned into a completely different person. Your overzealous attitude and general arrogance, culminating up to my ouster was absolutely disgusting. Even after that watching from the jury I saw nothing but a pathetic, weak minded little rat who was either deluded into thinking he had some high place in this game or was just trying to save his own stupid ass every single round because he had nothing too solid to lay back on. You were saved by immunities on nights when you should have gone. You were supported by stupidity, one can only look at how well turning on me went for them, they're here with me in the jury.
You seem settled that you cannot win this game and I will assure you that I sure hope that is the case as well. A Palena heavy jury and you the only Palena sitting there, not going to happen.
My question to you is why were you so caught up in lying about things or were you really trying to say what you thought was the truth? You claimed to me that any talk of the Talismans was on Tyrone but was that another ridiculous cover to hide the fact that you were gluttonous and selfish?
Jake - As with Ken, we had a good relationship together at Atacama but we had a swap and apparently that meant to you to ditch all prior relationships and stick 100% to your new tribe. But again, the merge does some crazy things and it appeared you were avoiding me, particularly after Wendy left. The agreement we had between our partnerships, once one of them was broken did you have no care at all to work for the three?
Apart from your interactions with me, it seemed you never took too much initiative. I only heard once about you actively going out to make a vote go the way you want and I'm not sure that was even real. Was it your plan to come off as lacking backbone and any kind of leadership qualities? Should we have voted you out when you single handedly cost us a challenge we almost came and won twice?
Yve - I'd told you a number of times you were one of the most fun people to talk to. But nothing of it, initiated by you, gave me any sense of you having a "game brain". Its all well and good to be a great person to talk to but when it comes to winning a game and really showing you did something to make things happen, I saw nothing from you. In fact, I barely ever saw you. You said yourself you were worried about your activity, do you think it will become an influence here tonight and that it was a reason you got dragged as far as you did?
You won the final immunity, albeit a time slower than what most of the jurors could have achieved. It really was a case of the best of a bad bunch when it came to that. You found an idol and played it uselessly. If you want to play an idol, play it on someone it will work on. If you wanted to show you found an idol, keep it in your possession and bring it out at a better time, like this FTC for instance, keep it hidden and say "Hey, I had the final idol" and look for a bit of support through that.
How can I justify voting for someone who seemingly wasn't in the game to win said game?
Right now, my vote is undecided so this next task is going to be an interesting one. Throughout this FTC, I've been compiling a table of points on the three of you with 6 columns: For Jake, For Ken, For Yve, Against Jake, Against Ken, Against Yve. I want you to rank these columns as to which will have the most to least points by the end of tonight. You will get 1 point for each one ranked correctly and will lose a point for each place that is off. (So for example if the one you guess as the most is actually the least, you lose 5 points) and whoever has the least negative points (because let's face it, I don't expect any of you to get things right now) by the end of it will be a greater chance at my vote.
P.S. Fuck you guys for not letting my YMCA vote comments finish
P.P.S Fuck Jeff for not reading two of the YMCAs
P. P.P.P.S. Chase is an ass.
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