Palena, Episode 2:So for now, I'm just going to stick to analyzing Palena because I can't really handle focusing on 2 tribes with my courseload this semester, so Atacama readers will just have to rely on Chad. Plus, Palena seems a lot more cluterfucky than it was last round, so it's definitely the more exciting place to be, albeit more confusing.
Jolanda: Boom. The gurl's finally got something going on! People are still targeting her, but I think that a lot of us might not have given her enough credit early on. I had some hope for her, but even I took a bit shit on her gameplay for Episode 1. What she was doing actually worked! I don't think it worked in the way she wanted it to, though, because I don't think she expected to be an early target that people sought out for a vote later on. I think she thought she was going to be a free-spirit who people sought out for a vote, but regardless, she's in a much better spot. People respect her challenge performance. She managed to get Erica, who hates her, to want her as her number 1 ally and offer her a F2 deal. Wendy Jo pulled her in to help keep the noobs afloat. She reminds me of Chad's early merge position last season in Costa Rica. People still want her out, but there aren't enough of them that do to accomplish it, and for now, she'll float on few a few rounds when people think they can just use her, and then she'll have the opportunity to strike. But the question is, will she? I guess we'll find out.
Wendy Jo: 
Still fucking hate the bitch. In my opinion, she should be gone, but I'll look past that. Whatever. She thinks that she's just pulled off this brilliant move by pulling Jolanda in, but she never would have even thought to do it had it not have been for Jake. She has very limited control right now, and has NO CLUE about some of the plans of the other players. For instance, she thinks she has a firm grip on Marty, but Marty is apparently not in on the Jolanda love circle, because he still wants her gone next. She thinks Jolanda is a back pocket ally, but I doubt that will be the case. And calling herself the HBIC? Nooooope. I'm DYINGGGG to see her get blindsided early on and leave. Can't stand the bitch.
Russell: My other least favorite. The schtick? Just no. I know some of the other bloggers/hosts are able to look past it, but I just can't. It's just to contrived and holier-than-thou. I don't want to see TMN play as Russell would play. I want to see TMN play as he would play. Maybe he IS doing that, but I'm just not seeing it, and I'm seriously turned off to anything he's doing right now. I can respect a good schtick that the player controls, but Russell is letting his schtick control him, and it's just annoying to watch. That being said, Russell has a good setup for the next few rounds, and his relationship with Erica is interesting. He definitely has plans that don't match up with his "alliances" plans, so that will be interesting to watch, too.
Tyrone: Boring. He's in a bad spot, but maybe he'll get lucky and end up sticking around longer than people expect due to a swap or some challenge wins or something. Everyone has pegged him as the person that they can easily boot, but he's not necessarily at the top of anyone's list, so that's at least good for him. The problem is, I seriously DOUBT that's his plan, and he probably WILL go pretty soon unless he's lucky. That, and he needs to update his fucking confessional. Until then, I can't imagine myself giving even the tiniest shit about him.
Marty: Marty isn't very high on anyone's radar based on the fact that nobody seems to be letting him know about the changing plans (he's still after Jolanda at this point, which is odd considering he's supposedly aligned with Wendy Jo & co). Either that, or he's just clueless and isn't very good at responding to the flow of the game. Also, not a very good confessionalist, so

. I think Marty is going to float by for a little while, similar to Kim last season, but I seriously doubt that he has the killer instinct that she did to know when to act. He's going to be stuck in a funk for a while, but his fate will depend on him being able to break out of it.
Erica: I don't think she responded being left out of the Online Alliance (I'm naming it that. Because they are all apparently online at the same time.) In fact, she DEFINITELY didn't respond very well to it. Her plea to join up with Jolanda is kind of hilarious. The bitch is desperate at this point, but she doesn't want to admit it. The OTT antics are just her way of hiding it. She was in a decent spot before the swap, and she would have been fine, even after being left out of the Online Alliance, but all she had to do was remain calm and let Russell help work her back into the majority. But calm was the opposite of what she did, so then the imploded. The Jolanda thing might have worked out for her, but it was just bad timing with the whole Wendy Jo thing happening at the same time. Erica's days are numbered.
Chase: Chase is just okay to me right now. He's in the supposed majority, and he has some boring and predictable plans set up, and he'll probably be okay for a while, and there's that cross-tribal alliance that I haven't been paying much attention to. Maybe I should look into that more, but other than that, I don't have too much else to say. One thing, though, is that Chase thinks that Russell considerers him his #1, when in reality, that's not the case.
Dan: Dan has a good strategy regarding his partner, in my opinion. By not working with Fabio much, and barring Fabio not getting screwed early on, Dan and Fabio SHOULD be able to stay in the game long enough to get to a point where they actually can reasonably come close to being the last pair. Dan isn't completely ignoring the potential advantage like some players, but he's not salivating over it like some of the others. That will definitely help him. As for more Palena-specific happenings, I think that Dan is in a good position, but he'll probably be one of the first ones that people turn on if it comes down to it. He'll hang on for a little while at least.
Ted: Ted has a lot going for him right now, and it's starting to look like it will pay off. He may be more similar to Chase than I thought, but I guess that Ted has just given me a reason to like him more than Chase has. Plus, he's a lot more insightful. He's got great relationships on Palena, and he seems to be doing well with cross-tribe dynamics as well. I think Ted is in a great spot, so I see no reason to raise red flags on his gameplay.
Rankings:9. Tyrone- Erica will probably go before him, but Erica is actually playing the game.
8. Erica- She'll be next to go. See above, though.
7. Russell- Below Marty because he'll give people a reason to dislike him sooner than Marty will.
6. Marty- See above.
5. Dan- Meh.
4. Chase- Meh.
3. Jolanda- She turned things around, but she still has some work to do.
2. Wendy Jo- As much as I hate to admit, she's in a good position. FOR NOW.
1. Ted- He's got his bases covered.