Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

Postby Kim Mullen » Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:37:21 pm

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    Ugh this is tense. Atacama seems to have made more progress but everyone seems to be doing their own thing. Palena are doing a better job at compiling all the pieces and shit. Tough call.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:28:17 am

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    Palena, Episode 1 (Post-Swap):

    So I didn't really get into too much of the Palena dynamics over the weekend because a) I was swamped with work for school and b) why bother when everyone was just going to shit anyways? I've caught up on confessionals and some of the PMs, so I have a better grasp now, and I don't feel like I'm wasting my time on a tribe that'll only be around for like zero days.

    Jolanda: Jolanda is STILL in a terrible spot. I didn't expect things to change much for her, but I had some hope that maybe she would adapt to the swap and shake up her game a little bit, but it looks like more of the same with her. By laying back and being quieter with her PMs, she's already excluded herself from the majority alliances that might form (or already have formed). She ignored the crucial time to strike and set something better up, because, let's face it, every smart player is paranoid about where they stand after a swap like this, and she just completely ignored the chance to do anything. She's still oblivious that she's on the chopping block, and I don't think it's because the other players are hiding it from her. She just is completely NOT noticing it. It's a shame, really. I think she'll stick around for a few rounds because she's okay in challenges, but she's still only won one in her Stranded career. (HOT TAMALE!) Jolanda's ONLY chance is if someone needs a free vote, because I think her only asset right now is her ability to be loyal.

    Russell: I still can't fucking stand the schtick, and anyone who utters the phrase "expect the unexpected" is immediately on my shit list. icon_glare His relationship with Wendy Jo pisses me off because it's based on an outside relationship. It's like, fine, whatever, but don't fucking tell us about it. At least not me. It ruins alf the fun of this game in my opinion. I do think that Russell moved up quite a bit, and could potentially be running things on NuPalena. He's got a good group set up, and he took advantage of the period of time post-swap to scramble and put it all together. I think Russell is on track for the merge, barring any major shakeups.

    Erica: Erica just moved down in my opinion, and it's no fault of hers, which is too bad. She missed out on the crucial time period to join in on a new alliance, and even though she still has Russell, that might be her only in. Russell may be able to keep her around and use her vote to help further his plans, but I don't think she's in the position of power that she might have been in if the swap didn't happen. If Russell's alliance of 6 wants her gone, though, I don't think Russell will be able to save her. She probably WILL stick around for a while, though, considering there are other players that will need to go first, but I'm wary of her chances of making it super far if she makes the merge.

    Also, this: icon_laughing Erica being forced to align with Jolanda would be fucking hilarious.

    Erica wrote:
    Mia Galeotalanza wrote:Glad to have you stay on Team Purple, Erica!

    I'll throw this in here, too: Now that John is gone, is Jolanda still your number 1 target, or are you targeting someone else?

    Time will tell... I could potentially ally with her now. If she doesn't have a meltdown by TC tonight.

    Chase: I honestly didn't pay much attention to Chase when I DID check in with Palena over the weekend, and I honestly probably won't put too much stock into keeping track of him right now. He's in a good spot and probably won't have to do much to make the merge, although Dan's dislike of him might be a small obstacle for him to overcome. He'll probably be fine, though, because I think that Dan would be cut before most of that alliance even thought about voting Chase out. Chase at least shows that he's very self aware, which will help him. Again with the Wendy Jo thing (she's telling him that she knows him), but he doesn't seem to know her, so I have no issue with Chase I guess.

    Ted: Ted is in the alliance of 6 that formed last night, but he's definitely playing his own game, and he just happens to be in the majority. I think a lot of the players wrongly think that they'll be able to control Ted and his vote, which may lead to that alliance's downfall. (This alliance seriously needs a name.) Ted has his own agenda (The Tedgena, as I'll be referring to it as). I see him doing well for now, but I also don't see him staying chained down to a predictable alliance, so I'll be watching closely. He already has me scratching my head about him trying to engineer an early boot for Ken...? If any other hosts know more than I do, fill me in please!

    Wendy Jo: Wendy Jo pisses me off. Like seriously. Fuck her. Her trying to appeal to the other players because she knows them and has worked with them before really sets me off. If it was me, I would eliminate her right away. Maybe it's not that bad, (I haven't actually read many of her PMs), but the fact is, she shouldn't be doing it, and it makes me fucking hate her guts. I think that the situation needs to be investigated more, but the problem is that it's too late to change anything, as she's already joined the majority and is more than likely on track for the merge. So yeah, fuck Wendy Jo.

    Marty: I'm really glad to see that Marty turned out to be pretty decent in challenges, and he may be a glimmer of hope for NuPalena to prevent them from being last season's Guatuso. I'm also glad to see that he found himself in the majority. He's definitely not at the top of that alliance, but I think that if he's forced to play a little more (he mentioned how he initially wanted to lay low and float for a little bit), he'll beging to become more comfortable with his abilities and will be more likely to start making his own moves later on. I think he's in a good position for now, and I really think (or hope, at least) that we see a lot come out of him.

    Tyrone: Tyrone probably won't make it far, especially now that Wendy Jo, Marty, and Dan seem to have gone with some of the returners. I didn't pay much attention to the challenge last night, but the consensus in the confessionals seemed to be that he wasn't really that helpful. So unless he steps it up and really pulls for through for Palena, and doubled with the fact that he's already out of the majority, I assume that he'll be an early boot.

    Dan: It's also good to see Dan landing in the majority for now, although him being even the slightest bit vocal against Chase is going to hurt him. Once a few players are gone, he may find himself in some trouble if he still has his issues with Chase and if the majority feels that they can spare him for someone else. The partnerships and cross-tribal alliances are inevitably going to come in to play, and someone might get pushed out of the majority come the merge, and that person could very easily be Dan. On the other hand, Dan isn't afraid to think for himself, but he just needs to be careful or he could wind up in a shitty spot.

    Jimmy T: Yawn. Obvious first boot. Obviously doesn't know what he's doing. Can't even post in his confessional. Whatever. icon_glare

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:53:40 am

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    alol at this:

    Wendy Jo wrote:from what I'm gathering and Jolanda appears to have been their version of Tyrone.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:01:54 am

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    Wendy Jo to Chase:

    Wendy Jo wrote:I know who you are pal! You are usually loyal so I hope that carries over in this game or I will sick my hubby on you

    Wendy Jo wrote:At the risk of not breaking the rules. We know each other and I'll leave it at that.

    Wendy Jo to Russell:

    Wendy Jo wrote:I forgot what my application said, send it to me I wanted you as my partner truth be told. At the risk of not sounding creepy. I did my homework when I saw the vet reveal and I was excited about you. That's all I can say and I hope you see that I am genuine about this. Very much looking forward to working with you.

    The second one to Chase is really kind of bad. This pisses me off. A slap on the wrist or a warning to keep it Stranded-exclusive won't do any good for anyone. It's flagrant use of outside relationships to solicit an alliance. The damage is done and I don't think this is fair.

    Boot her ass. icon_mad

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:55:50 pm

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    Wendy Jo wrote:I never played with Chase before and I lasted ONE round with Russell in another game. I'm a legit fan of both players hence doing what I did last night. TBH this entire topic is making me uncomfortable. It's my fault and I'm aware of that. I already apologized to Russell, to the hosts so let's just move on. Won't do it again.

    Fucking bitch doesn't get it. If you tell someone that you know them, it doesn't matter if you haven't played together before.

    Maybe I should rename my blog the Wendy Jo hate thread.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:43:05 pm

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    lol so I randomly met Ashely Underwood today.

    I'm reading confessionals and PMs right now so I'll have some stuff posted before tonight's tribal.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:22:47 pm

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    Palena, Episode 2:

    So for now, I'm just going to stick to analyzing Palena because I can't really handle focusing on 2 tribes with my courseload this semester, so Atacama readers will just have to rely on Chad. Plus, Palena seems a lot more cluterfucky than it was last round, so it's definitely the more exciting place to be, albeit more confusing. icon_wacko

    Jolanda: Boom. The gurl's finally got something going on! People are still targeting her, but I think that a lot of us might not have given her enough credit early on. I had some hope for her, but even I took a bit shit on her gameplay for Episode 1. What she was doing actually worked! I don't think it worked in the way she wanted it to, though, because I don't think she expected to be an early target that people sought out for a vote later on. I think she thought she was going to be a free-spirit who people sought out for a vote, but regardless, she's in a much better spot. People respect her challenge performance. She managed to get Erica, who hates her, to want her as her number 1 ally and offer her a F2 deal. Wendy Jo pulled her in to help keep the noobs afloat. She reminds me of Chad's early merge position last season in Costa Rica. People still want her out, but there aren't enough of them that do to accomplish it, and for now, she'll float on few a few rounds when people think they can just use her, and then she'll have the opportunity to strike. But the question is, will she? I guess we'll find out.

    Wendy Jo: icon_sick Still fucking hate the bitch. In my opinion, she should be gone, but I'll look past that. Whatever. She thinks that she's just pulled off this brilliant move by pulling Jolanda in, but she never would have even thought to do it had it not have been for Jake. She has very limited control right now, and has NO CLUE about some of the plans of the other players. For instance, she thinks she has a firm grip on Marty, but Marty is apparently not in on the Jolanda love circle, because he still wants her gone next. She thinks Jolanda is a back pocket ally, but I doubt that will be the case. And calling herself the HBIC? Nooooope. I'm DYINGGGG to see her get blindsided early on and leave. Can't stand the bitch.

    Russell: My other least favorite. The schtick? Just no. I know some of the other bloggers/hosts are able to look past it, but I just can't. It's just to contrived and holier-than-thou. I don't want to see TMN play as Russell would play. I want to see TMN play as he would play. Maybe he IS doing that, but I'm just not seeing it, and I'm seriously turned off to anything he's doing right now. I can respect a good schtick that the player controls, but Russell is letting his schtick control him, and it's just annoying to watch. That being said, Russell has a good setup for the next few rounds, and his relationship with Erica is interesting. He definitely has plans that don't match up with his "alliances" plans, so that will be interesting to watch, too.

    Tyrone: Boring. He's in a bad spot, but maybe he'll get lucky and end up sticking around longer than people expect due to a swap or some challenge wins or something. Everyone has pegged him as the person that they can easily boot, but he's not necessarily at the top of anyone's list, so that's at least good for him. The problem is, I seriously DOUBT that's his plan, and he probably WILL go pretty soon unless he's lucky. That, and he needs to update his fucking confessional. Until then, I can't imagine myself giving even the tiniest shit about him.

    Marty: Marty isn't very high on anyone's radar based on the fact that nobody seems to be letting him know about the changing plans (he's still after Jolanda at this point, which is odd considering he's supposedly aligned with Wendy Jo & co). Either that, or he's just clueless and isn't very good at responding to the flow of the game. Also, not a very good confessionalist, so Image. I think Marty is going to float by for a little while, similar to Kim last season, but I seriously doubt that he has the killer instinct that she did to know when to act. He's going to be stuck in a funk for a while, but his fate will depend on him being able to break out of it.

    Erica: I don't think she responded being left out of the Online Alliance (I'm naming it that. Because they are all apparently online at the same time.) In fact, she DEFINITELY didn't respond very well to it. Her plea to join up with Jolanda is kind of hilarious. The bitch is desperate at this point, but she doesn't want to admit it. The OTT antics are just her way of hiding it. She was in a decent spot before the swap, and she would have been fine, even after being left out of the Online Alliance, but all she had to do was remain calm and let Russell help work her back into the majority. But calm was the opposite of what she did, so then the imploded. The Jolanda thing might have worked out for her, but it was just bad timing with the whole Wendy Jo thing happening at the same time. Erica's days are numbered.

    Chase: Chase is just okay to me right now. He's in the supposed majority, and he has some boring and predictable plans set up, and he'll probably be okay for a while, and there's that cross-tribal alliance that I haven't been paying much attention to. Maybe I should look into that more, but other than that, I don't have too much else to say. One thing, though, is that Chase thinks that Russell considerers him his #1, when in reality, that's not the case.

    Dan: Dan has a good strategy regarding his partner, in my opinion. By not working with Fabio much, and barring Fabio not getting screwed early on, Dan and Fabio SHOULD be able to stay in the game long enough to get to a point where they actually can reasonably come close to being the last pair. Dan isn't completely ignoring the potential advantage like some players, but he's not salivating over it like some of the others. That will definitely help him. As for more Palena-specific happenings, I think that Dan is in a good position, but he'll probably be one of the first ones that people turn on if it comes down to it. He'll hang on for a little while at least.

    Ted: Ted has a lot going for him right now, and it's starting to look like it will pay off. He may be more similar to Chase than I thought, but I guess that Ted has just given me a reason to like him more than Chase has. Plus, he's a lot more insightful. He's got great relationships on Palena, and he seems to be doing well with cross-tribe dynamics as well. I think Ted is in a great spot, so I see no reason to raise red flags on his gameplay.

    9. Tyrone- Erica will probably go before him, but Erica is actually playing the game.
    8. Erica- She'll be next to go. See above, though.
    7. Russell- Below Marty because he'll give people a reason to dislike him sooner than Marty will.
    6. Marty- See above.
    5. Dan- Meh.
    4. Chase- Meh.
    3. Jolanda- She turned things around, but she still has some work to do.
    2. Wendy Jo- As much as I hate to admit, she's in a good position. FOR NOW. icon_evil
    1. Ted- He's got his bases covered.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:22:59 am

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    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:47:46 pm

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    Palena: Episodes 3/4:

    Nothing major has changed over the past few rounds, so in other words, this game is getting really boring and predictable. I'm really holding out for a swap, but if Carl/jeff don't want to do it, that'll suck. I think it needs to happen. Anyways, I'm also going the way of Brenda, and I'm not going to bother to theorize too much about what's going on because it's all so obvious. I'll just throw in some of my favorite moments/comments from this round and call it good.


    Erica wrote:ANyway, I am voting for TYRONE. Nothing will change that unless there is some sort of catastrophy and Ted and Marty become more appealing targets. And they should be. Ted and Marty are the dangerous kind of useless. Tyrone is just useless.

    It really sucks that Erica is going. She just got too frustrated and didn't respond to it well. She needed to keep cool, but she didn't. And it's too bad that she didn't get to take that immunity last night. She's totally right about Tyrone, too. But from a host standpoint, I think that means he needs to go SOONER than Marty or Ted because nobody wants to see Tyrone make it super far. And at this point, if there's a swap, he probably will. (I still want to see that swap, though.)

    Dan finding the idol is interesting... Good for him, I guess. He has a different agenda, and he thinks he's in control, but at this point I have no way of telling who really is. I think that he might be able to leak that so-and-so has the idol and use that to get them out... He wants to target Chase, so maybe he'll do that.

    Jolanda wrote:It's fun to lie to people, sometimes. I didn't really lie all that much in Costa Rica, but this season it's just lie after lie, I really shouldn't be trusted, but I'm glad people are actually trusting me.

    Jolanda has made such a transformation, but I'm still wary for her. She's secure in the middle for now. I'm really interested to see how she would fare in another swap, though.

    Jolanda wrote:I'm against the vets for the time being, I don't really want this to be a vets vs rookies game over here. That wouldn't be fun. Wendy proposed an alliance of Russell, Dan, Chase, her, and I. I definately want to go with that alliance for at least a few rounds. I want to get Ted out, because I've heard he can be very sneaky. We could get Tyrone out at any time.

    I'm glad Jolanda is looking out for herself. She's committing to things for the time being, but nothing more. I think she realizes that she needs to have options, and she's going an excellent job of creating them for herself. The bit about Tyrone scares me, though, because he's going to float. icon_sick

    I'm loving Ted's confessional right now. He's the only one putting everything he has into it, which is really nice for a person like me who just doesn't have time to stay on top of PMs right now. (the start of a new semester is stressful icon_wacko ) He's really well-spoken, and he's definitely moved up a lot in my eyes. Just like Dan, his plan/agenda is a little confusing to me (probably because I don't have time to catch up on PMs yet), but yeah, I really like Ted.

    Tyrone just sucks. He has no business floating through this right now. Where the hell did you guys even find him? icon_sick I have a feeling he might stick around for a bit if there's a swap, which would suck because it's getting dangerously close to the merge and he's still here (he would make a HORRIBLE juror. HORRIBLE.) So I guess I can't decide if him sticking around a little bit would be worth seeing things go crazy from another swap. Maybe I'm wrong and he'll go soon anyways, but augh. He's just terrible. He has no self-awareness whosoever. It's frustrating to watch. I just wish Erica could have taken that immunity and then he would have been sent packing.

    Wendy Jo wrote:Yeah I'd say I'm pretty much ruling this tribe. I wanted Erica to go so I made it happen through Jolanda (by getting her to flip) I also didn't want to piss off my soon to be allies (Russell/Chase) so I pushed them to vote her ass out too. This is definitely shaping up to be my comeback performance! Back to my aggressive/strategic roots :fans

    icon_sick icon_sick icon_sick icon_sick icon_sick icon_sick icon_sick

    Wendy Jo: How the FUCK can people like this bitch? She's completely insufferable. God. She isn't running SHIT. Sure, she wanted Erica to be the next boot, but I refuse to accept that Wendy Jo made that happen in any way at all. Erica is going tonight because of Erica. Wendy Jo just wanted it to happen, and the pieces have just conveniently fallen in to place to favor her plans. The one thing that I can take solace in is that she's setting herself up for failure (I hope). "Alliance Update: Order of Importance"? Come fucking on. There's no way she can control even 1 of those alliances she listed, let alone the 8 she has down. She's the main reason I'm pushing for the swap right now. I'd LOVE to see her get swap-fucked.

    Anyways, I can't fucking stand her anymore. Someone wake me up when this bitch is gone. icon_yucky

    I still keep forgetting Chase exists. Am I wrong to be bored by him so much?

    Russell still annoys me, but that's mostly schtick stuff. He's doing pretty good. But far from my favorite.

    Marty sucks at confessionals, so it's making me not give a shit about him, either. He's barely a step above Tyrone in my book at this point.

    Marty wrote:I'll go with the flow for as long as possible. It really isn't my style to strategize proactively but rather adapt to the current situation.

    The only ones who would have my back would be me, my buttcheeks and my pride!!!

    Another complaint: Why the fuck aren't any of these players leaving real voting confessionals? That's one of the funnest parts, and over half of them are ignoring it. Whatever.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:54:31 pm

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    Dan wrote:Episode 04 or Episode 05?


    "Twerk team"

    icon_laughing icon_laughing icon_laughing

    My favorite voting confessional so far.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:40:25 pm

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    Wendy Jo wrote:I'm watching Glee


    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:16:14 pm

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    Tyrone wrote:I'll step up.


    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:24:59 pm

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    Wendy Jo wrote:*drops buff*



    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Kim Mullen » Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:38:16 pm

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    Wendy getting picked last lol

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:41:04 pm

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    Kim Mullen wrote:Wendy getting picked last lol

    I take back what I said about Tyrone picking. This just turned into a hot mess, and I'm loving it.

    And it's a good thing that bitch got picked last. I'm crossing my fingers that she's auto-eliminated, but that would just mean she'd be brought back for another season... Image

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:46:20 pm

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    Wendy Jo wrote:I'm joining Tyrone's tribe!

    I can't catch a break. What have I done to deserve this? icon_mad

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:46:48 pm

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    Palena: Episodes 5/6:


    I never would have guessed that Palena would start dominating in challenges. Not that they suck or anything, but I just figured it would be a little more evenly matched. Anyways, these freaks have started getting cabin fever and just want to start cutting each other's throats, which is great to watch. I just hope that we get a chance to watch it all play out before the merge hits.

    Or maybe not. Because my biggest fear is starting to come true: Tyrone is probably going to make the merge, which means he'll be on the jury over someone else, and I 100% feel that every other player in this game deserves to make the jury over him. He's seriously going to be one of the worst jurors ever. I've given up asking him anything in his confessionals, and the only reason I even post the topics in there is for formalities and fairness' sake. He fucking sucks. There was talk to vote him out (started by Holly, I believe), but that's shifted elsewhere. Holly wants Jill out, and Russell wants to blindside Holly. I'd say that the chances of one of those happening is FAR greater than Tyrone being voted out.

    So yeah, either we watch Palena lose and see some amazing shit go down (and Tyrone could POSSIBLY be voted out), or they win and they all make it to the merge in tact. Regardless, I think Tyrone is safe for the timebeing, which fucking sucks. If Tyrone makes the merge, I really hope he's the merge boot. I can't stress how much I hate him. ALMOST as much as Wendy Jo, to be honest. Speaking of the bitch, she hasn't really given me much to hate on lately, but that doesn't change how I feel. She's responded to the winning streak by trying to stay in the middle more, which I guess is good for her, but I still hate her. icon_sick

    Also, I think Ken has had an interesting run as of late. I believe he was the next to go if Palena lost, and he found out, but now it looks a lot less like he'll be going? Jolanda and Russell want his vote, and they probably have it for now, but Ken has other plans for the merge, so it's just a question of if he makes it there.

    Jolanda is safe in the middle for now. icon_biggrin

    I just don't get Russell sometimes. I wish I knew his logic for thinking Holly has the idol... I doubt he'll be able to pull off a Holly blindside any time soon, but who knows. He's probably safe for now, too.

    Jill and Dan bore me, as usual.


    1. Jolanda
    2. Wendy Jo Image
    3. Holly
    4. Dan
    5. Russell
    6. Ken
    7. Tyrone
    8. Jill

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:08:18 pm

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    Every day, I wake up thankful for the cutting-edge confessional style of Tyrone Davis. icon_rolleyes

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:34:32 pm

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    Oh good job, I really shoulda checked in here before declaring my cluelessness icon_lol

    Also lololol at Wendy-Jo using the *drops buff* line icon_laughing

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:18:54 pm

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    Tyrone wrote:Girls, it a honor to know you girls love me. I am a hot guy after all

    Just popping in to say how much I fucking hate Tyrone and how much I hate him for making the merge/jury.

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