Episode 09

6th Place

Episode 09

Postby Jolanda » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:17:20 pm

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    HOLY icon_censored !!!!! THAT COULD NOT HAVE GONE ANY BETTER!!

    Wendy went home and I didn't have to backstab her. I'm so happy right now. I thought for sure that Russell and Holly would be purple rock'd. Omg that was awesome.

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Jolanda » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:18:46 pm

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    Wendy got owned because that's what happens when you try to screw up the original plans!

    Now I gotta focus on getting Chase and Ted out...

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:30:46 pm

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    Damn your speeding fingers. I hadn't finished typing up my question for the round.

    Brenda wrote:WTF just happened?

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Jolanda » Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:02:06 pm

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    Sorry Brenda, I'm just so damn speedy.

    Right now, my goal is to get Holly, Jill, Dan, Russell, Tyrone, and I together to form a voting bloc for the next Tribal Council. If we can all vote together, and sucessfully avoid idols, then we should have majority and control the vote. I picked this group because Holly and Russell are my number one allies, and Jill, Tyrone, and Dan are basically goats that will do anything someone tells them, so I got to them first, and we should control the vote. Holly might also be able to rope Ken and Jake back in, and maybe even Yve, so it should be simple to vote off either Ted or Chase next tribal.

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:20:56 pm

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    Now of those six, how many were Tyrone voters? icon_chaos

    In fact, have you any idea who voted who originally, an who switched to who on the re-vote?

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Jolanda » Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:29:48 pm

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    Here is who I think voted for who in the last tribal Council

    Ted: Yve, Ken, Jill or Dan, Russell

    Chase: Jolanda, Holly, Tyrone, Jill or Dan

    Tyrone: Wendy, Jake, Ted, Chase

    And after the revote,

    Ted: Jolanda, Holly, Tyrone, Jill, Dan, and Russell

    Tyrone: Wendy, Jake, Ted, Chase, Ken, and Yve

    Ken and Yve told me they switched from Ted to Tyrone because they didn't know what else to do, I'm glad they came foward about it. It makes me trust them more.

    Although, I'm not really sure how much I can actually trust Ken. I feel like he is a real shady player, and I don't think I see him sticking around for much longer if I have a say in it.

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Jolanda » Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:46:39 pm

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    I'm hearing from Russell that my name is coming up tonight. Which tells me that Jake and Ken have been lying to me in telling me that Tyrone was the boot all along. This sucks. I hope that the people that I trust will follow through with the vote tonight, whether it be Chase or Ted. It might switch to Chase now because Ted now knows he's the target tonight, and if one of them has the idol I will be sent home. So, maybe the target will switch at the last minute again, but only if all 6 people that need to know are online.

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Jolanda » Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:57:33 pm

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    I always feel like Tyrone is a very monotone speaker, and I find it really hilarious.

    Also, I am a 100% believer that I will be the one to go home tonight. I told Jake and Ken that the vote would be on Ted, and they are both lying to me and telling me that the vote is on Tyrone, where Russell said they will be voting for me tonight. I don't think that Jake or Ken would actually vote with us anymore. Also, I think that since Ted knows he's a target, he will use an idol and I will be the one sent home. Maybe I'm just super paranoid, but I don't wanna go home in 11th place. I've worked too damn hard to make it this far, and I don't want to be voted off early jury again.

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Jolanda » Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:23:54 pm

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    If I go out tonight, I will know that I have a problem with Episode 9's on Tuesdays in Stranded. Last season, Episode 9, a tuesday, I was voted off, and this time I might be heading out again! Tuesdays are just awful....

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:52:30 pm

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    Jolanda wrote:If I go out tonight, I will know that I have a problem with Episode 9's on Tuesdays in Stranded. Last season, Episode 9, a tuesday, I was voted off, and this time I might be heading out again! Tuesdays are just awful....

    What makes you think that it might be you tonight?

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Jolanda » Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:07:26 pm

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    I think it will be tonight because Yve and Russell are telling me that they are gunning for me, and I believe them. I fully believe that Ken and Jake are now fully on the other side, because they did not tell me this information. However, I do believe I have the VOTES to stay tonight, hopefully Holly, Russ, Jill, Tyrone, Dan, and Yve will all remain true and not vote for me. What I'm concerned about is an idol use. If they use an idol and I'm booted I'll be so pissed.

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Jolanda » Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:08:55 pm

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    Hopefully they don't have the votes, and aren't telling me for the fear that I have an idol. Just have to wait and see.

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Jolanda » Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:26:24 pm

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    An idol was not used tonight, now I just gotta hope that my tribe members pulled through for me.

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