Episode 12

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:35:40 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Wow! Congrats on surviving two crazy rounds!

    How does Holly leaving affect your game? How about Jill?

    What do you make of BOTH idols being played? Did you expect to see them tonight? Were you surprised at who had them?

    Where do you plan to go now that it's the Final 7? Tell us your ideal boot order and your endgame plans.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Ken » Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:45:51 am

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    How does Holly leaving affect your game? How about Jill?

    We you all know how I feel about Holly icon_laughing I am more than thrilled that she is gone. Holly was the biggest threat in the game, my odds of getting to final 3 have gone up immensely with her leaving. I also love that her ouster happened to fall upon an unexpected double boot round causing complete and utter chaos icon_lol

    As for Jill, I didn't voe for her, but her leaving is also good. I feel like she was the head of the anti Holly vote and she would have become dangerous as well. Although I did really enjoy talking to Jill so I am sad to see her go icon_sad

    What do you make of BOTH idols being played? Did you expect to see them tonight? Were you surprised at who had them?

    I am not surprised at who had it, but more at who did not have it. I thought for sure Holly and Jill would have had them icon_uhoh Oh well. It was very entertaining watching 2 idols and a talisman get played icon_lol

    Where do you plan to go now that it's the Final 7? Tell us your ideal boot order and your endgame plans.

    I honestly have no real clue what my plan going forward is. I feel like I am being pulled between 2 groups icon_unsure Russell and Dan on one side. Jake and Yve on the other. I think both sides are expecting Jolanda to be with them because they both are saying she will basically cling to anything after last night. Then there is Tyrone who might just vote for whoever gets to him last. Or he might just vote for me since he is completely pissed off at me about the Holly boot. I tried to get him involved, so he should be mad at himself for not going with it icon_lol This final 7 is seriously going to be very complicated now that we have so many trust issues with each other. Although I kind of want Russell out to be honest icon_shifty I am well aware that my odds of winning are slim to none. Last night is probably what sealed my fate. So if I am going to lose then I would love to have a hell of a time doing it icon_wub I think the only final 3 I could win against are Dan and Tyrone, but what are the odds of that happening? icon_lol I promised Yve I would never vote against her, and I plan on sticking to that. I will never vote against Jake either. I will stick to them no matter what here. All we need to do is just pull in one more person and we could have a solid 4 to the end icon_cool With that said I do not have an ideal boot list in mind. As long as Yve, Jake and I are safe then I don't care who goes.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:54:52 am

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    Hold up, why did last night seal your fate as to you not winning? icon_confused

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Ken » Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:08:43 am

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    Well I for sure will not have Holly Jolanda or Tyrone's vote. I guess my fate isn't sealed, per se. I just think the bitter feelings are only going to get worse from here. I know Russell will feel betrayed if I go against him as well. Same with Dan icon_unsure

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:48:15 pm

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    Can you spin that as just outplaying them? What is your plan of attack should you make the FTC? What makes you the better player than whoever you're with? Who would you most like to be there with?

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Ken » Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:19:11 pm

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    If I make the FTC my plan of attack is one I used to win in the past. I am just going to own up to lying to everyone and trying to play both sides. I won't apologize about any votes I made, and have absolutely no regrets at all. Realistically speaking I do not see myself making the FTC unless I go on an immunity run. Considering I am shit at challenges, this isn't going to happen. My best shot at getting to the final 3 also happens to be my worst shot at winning icon_laughing I think I can only get there with Yve and Jake, but I feel like they are so much more well liked than I am that they would beat me. I suppose if they gave bad performances I would maybe have a shot. I have had a lot of fun in this game lately, so I don't much care what happens now.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:13:32 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    So I guess it's safe to say that was a blindside! icon_chaos

    What the plan for the next vote? Where do you think the numbers and alliances are at?

    If you survive tonight, how does Russell leaving influence your endgame plans?

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