Honestly it just seems like it will be completely unanimous in favour of Yve

I know my odds at winning are slim. I just have to be completely open and honest about every lie I told in the game and not hold anything back. I have seen people who were favourites to win completely bomb the final tribal council and lose it because of that. I don't realistically see Yve bombing since she is very well spoken, but I can only hope she does

Either way I think she would make a great winner if she did. I felt like I was losing no matter what even if I went to the end with Dan and Tyrone. I have seen someone get completely drunk and pass out after their opening statement in an FTC, answer no questions at all, and still almost win in a 4-3 vote. The jury is obviously bitter so I would not put it past them to vote for Tyrone or Dan just to stick it to the vets.