I should probably say congratulations that you all played well to make it to the final three, except that you didn't. I would congratulate Yve and say that she was the best at guessing words relating to Patagonian culture, because that is what has gotten you guys here. To be honest, I don't have a lot of respect for people who need Hidden Immunity Idols to stay in the game. Therefore, I don't have a lot of respect for any of you. That being said, I have to vote for one of you and there are two of you who I think have played semi-competent games, and my votes will come down to one of you.
Yve, you are sweet as sugar

Ken, you are probably not going to get any votes tonight. However, I might consider being your only one. I think you have gotten a bad wrap, mainly from Palena because they were pissy because they didn't trust you and you proved them right. However, from the outside looking in I believe you played the best game of anyone sitting there on the final 3.
I'd like to know which one of you had the better strategic game and played the game to the fullest extent. If you want to address that directly, please go ahead. Additionally, I'd like both of you to go through each post-merge vote, whether you knew it was going to happen and if so, why you thought that result was the best result for your own game. JAKE, you can answer this question if you want, but I'll be honest, the chances of me voting for you are pretty slim. Maybe if the other two fuck up entirely I'll throw you a vote, but don't count on it.
Peace out kids and good luck!