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Jesus Christ Hoho...
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Jill, this whore is monopolizing FTC.

Go ahead and ask your questions now dr.

Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Ken » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:48:28 pm

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    Holly wrote:Ken, I think you misunderstood. You are to rank the columns themselves. The points are made by anyone.

    For example:

    1. Against Jake
    2. Against Ken
    3. Against Yve
    4. For Jake
    5. For Ken
    6. For Yve


    Oh, I thought we were determining which jurors might vote where. I will do it over again icon_chaos

    Assuming 1 is the highest

    6. For Ken
    5. Against Yve
    4. For Jake
    3. For Jake
    2. Against Ken
    1. For Yve

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Ken » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:49:33 pm

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    Ken wrote:
    Holly wrote:Ken, I think you misunderstood. You are to rank the columns themselves. The points are made by anyone.

    For example:

    1. Against Jake
    2. Against Ken
    3. Against Yve
    4. For Jake
    5. For Ken
    6. For Yve


    Oh, I thought we were determining which jurors might vote where. I will do it over again icon_chaos

    Assuming 1 is the highest

    6. For Ken
    5. Against Yve
    4. For Jake
    3. Against Jake
    2. Against Ken
    1. For Yve

    Oh ffs I keep screwing up icon_redface

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Jill » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:50:07 pm

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    Ugh Finally, those Juror benches are so fucking uncomfortable. My ass hurts like crazy. So let's get going ok?

    Hi Yve, Jake and Ken.

    I should probably say congratulations that you all played well to make it to the final three, except that you didn't. I would congratulate Yve and say that she was the best at guessing words relating to Patagonian culture, because that is what has gotten you guys here. To be honest, I don't have a lot of respect for people who need Hidden Immunity Idols to stay in the game. Therefore, I don't have a lot of respect for any of you. That being said, I have to vote for one of you and there are two of you who I think have played semi-competent games, and my votes will come down to one of you.


    Yve, you are sweet as sugar That being said, I don't know if you think I am an idiot but I'm not going to vote for you just because you have played the sweet and innocent card. I need some proof that you actually knew what was going on in the game and had any form of gameplay whatsoever. The best compliment I can give your game is that you knew when to play your idol, it took guts not to play it early on when Ted and Chase were being voted out, so I congratulate you for that.


    Ken, you are probably not going to get any votes tonight. However, I might consider being your only one. I think you have gotten a bad wrap, mainly from Palena because they were pissy because they didn't trust you and you proved them right. However, from the outside looking in I believe you played the best game of anyone sitting there on the final 3.

    I'd like to know which one of you had the better strategic game and played the game to the fullest extent. If you want to address that directly, please go ahead. Additionally, I'd like both of you to go through each post-merge vote, whether you knew it was going to happen and if so, why you thought that result was the best result for your own game. JAKE, you can answer this question if you want, but I'll be honest, the chances of me voting for you are pretty slim. Maybe if the other two fuck up entirely I'll throw you a vote, but don't count on it.
    Peace out kids and good luck!


    Wendy Jo most resembles which influential historical figure:

    - Adolf Hitler
    - Jeffrey Dahmer
    - Judas
    - Osama Bin Laden
    - I don't know, just a big fucking steaming pile of crap.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Yve » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:50:08 pm

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    Oh wait, I lied. 9:01-9:54.

    Still, I might not have beaten anyone in the jury, but I'm really proud myself for making it through that challenge and winning. icon_biggrin

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Holly » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:50:21 pm

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    Jeff Probst wrote:Jesus Christ Hoho...

    No, he's not here.
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    BRB, getting some fast food. If Jill is satisfied before i get back, then Russell can go (or brenda can post his questions)

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Jake » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:52:23 pm

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    Chase wrote:Congrats Jake, Ken & Yve <3 icon_wub

    What was the most defining moment of this experience for you? It can be positive or negative. Then I want to know what you learned or gained from this moment, how it impacted the rest of your stay, depending on when it occured.

    If you lose this jury vote, what would you attribute that to? What decision or decisions did you make that in hindsight should have been different?

    Which six contestants from this season would make a hypothetical DVD Cover?

    Jake & Ken, what was the biggest advantage and biggest disadvantage to playing this game as a returning player? Yve same question, except from the perspective as a first-time player in Stranded.

    Good luck guys icon_smile

    Hi Chase icon_wub

    This entire experience wasn't just about votes & alliances & backstabbing etc. When you say experience it makes me think of what the entire game has meant to me. So I would say a defining experience for me was how I reacted when I thought Yve was leaving. I found out on very short notice that she was the target, and as I said before I had no idea that she had an idol, so that TC was the only post-merge TC in which I was completely blindsided. In those few minutes that I had to react to her boot and at the first half of that tribal, that was the most "real" that I've been in the game. And the fact that I stuck by her even knowing it could ruin my game, and being told by Jolanda that we should just vote for her yet still refusing, is something that I am proud of. The jury might see it as stupid- ruining my game over an ally that is about to leave anyways, but the loyalty that I showed then is probably my favorite thing that I've done the entire game.

    If I lose this vote, then of course it is either bc I didn't do enough in the game for the jury to respect me, or I didn't represent myself well enough to earn their respect. If it's the former, then I walked in here dead, and won't regret anything. If I had done anything differently then I might not even be here so I wouldn't change a thing. If it is the latter then I will be disappointed in myself, but with something that I have going on for me IRL, I am happy I was able to show up here, and while it would still suck to lose at this point, I would be happy for either Ken or Yve and I would take a lot away from this game regardless.

    I would say the final 3 as well, along with Jolanda who I felt was my ultimate competition the entire time, then I would put Tyrone there as well to add some more diversity & black reps and finally Russell/Holly for both being HBICs until they were voted out.

    I think the advantage was knowing the format, previous games and each other. I will admit the only person who I knew before the game started and who I talked to outside of it's context was Ken, so I don't think that was too much of an advantage. The first time I was here I was clueless, so getting another opportunity and being much more savvy almost felt like going back to my first game and editing the things I did wrong. I didn't feel like we had too much of a disadvantage bc "newbs v. vets" barriers were gone within the first few days.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Jake » Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:03:26 pm

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    Jill wrote:I'd like to know which one of you had the better strategic game and played the game to the fullest extent. If you want to address that directly, please go ahead. Additionally, I'd like both of you to go through each post-merge vote, whether you knew it was going to happen and if so, why you thought that result was the best result for your own game. JAKE, you can answer this question if you want, but I'll be honest, the chances of me voting for you are pretty slim. Maybe if the other two fuck up entirely I'll throw you a vote, but don't count on it.
    Peace out kids and good luck!


    Wendy Jo most resembles which influential historical figure:

    - Adolf Hitler
    - Jeffrey Dahmer
    - Judas
    - Osama Bin Laden
    - I don't know, just a big fucking steaming pile of crap.

    I'll get to Holly's question in a minute, but since this will be shorter I'll try to get it out of the way. ty for telling me you won't vote for me, for reals bc I don't wanna waste my time on a question. I'll just quickly say that the only post-merge vote I was surprised at was the initial vote where it was 4 for Ted and 4 for Chase. I assumed they would all go to Ted. I was then surprised when Yve played her idol, but only bc of the idol part of it, I knew she'd get votes.

    I think HII's are a valid part of the game, maybe you are biased because you were taken out by one and would feel differently if you found one and saved yourself with it. However, even though I found a Hidden Immunity idol and used it, it wasn't on me and I didn't need it to save myself. Yve and Ken both did as they constantly had people against them. I was never a target at a TC.

    since I don't have your vote anyways- fuck you bc I adore Wendy icon_wub
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    Jeff Probst wrote:BRB, getting some fast food. If Jill is satisfied before i get back, then Russell can go (or brenda can post his questions)

    I gotta get to work :o Kimgoddess is all over this, she has Dan & Russell's all lined up for once Jill is satisfied.

    Yeah way to forget UTR Dan there Jeffrey icon_whistling

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Jill » Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:07:47 pm

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    Ok so it looks like Ken and Yve are offline? I need to go now anyway so feel free to post Russell's question whenever.

    Ken and Yve, I'll read your answers and all the others when I get back... Good luck y'all icon_wink
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    They're probably just taking a while to answer your question Jill. If a person takes 10 minutes to reply, it makes them appear offline.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Yve » Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:13:22 pm

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    Jill wrote:YVE:

    Yve, you are sweet as sugar That being said, I don't know if you think I am an idiot but I'm not going to vote for you just because you have played the sweet and innocent card. I need some proof that you actually knew what was going on in the game and had any form of gameplay whatsoever. The best compliment I can give your game is that you knew when to play your idol, it took guts not to play it early on when Ted and Chase were being voted out, so I congratulate you for that.

    Thank you for the compliment, Jill. I don't think you're an idiot at all, I'm actually really happy that you're confronting me about this! Of course, from an outsider's perspective it may look like I wasn't making all of the moves, or leading any actual blindsides. It might just look like I charmed the pants off of two great guys, and made them my 'whipping boys' as Dan liked to say. But that's simply not true. And I wish we could have worked together at the merge like we had worked together on Atacama, but I always knew where you stood. And it wasn't with me. No matter how hard I tried, you just weren't interested in working with me (as far as I saw). So, our game together kind of faded away, unfortunately.

    But just because I didn't go out of my way to blindside people doesn't mean I didn't play the game. I played this game HARD. Almost every moment of these past 27 days, both online and off, has been me thinking about this game. Strategizing over how I could be safe this round, and how I could eliminate someone else. Jill, I've been to every tribal council in this game aside from two. That's fifteen out of seventeen. If I was just goofing off and doing nothing, how could I have survived every single time and made it here to speak with you all tonight about why I should win the game? I don't want to win you over tonight, I want to EARN your vote.

    Jill wrote:I'd like to know which one of you had the better strategic game and played the game to the fullest extent. If you want to address that directly, please go ahead. Additionally, I'd like both of you to go through each post-merge vote, whether you knew it was going to happen and if so, why you thought that result was the best result for your own game. JAKE, you can answer this question if you want, but I'll be honest, the chances of me voting for you are pretty slim. Maybe if the other two fuck up entirely I'll throw you a vote, but don't count on it.
    Peace out kids and good luck!

    I feel like I covered most of what I did in this game in my opening statements/game summary. But I'm happy to go over them again with you. Second drafts are always better than the first ones, anyway. icon_biggrin

    Even though it may not have been the best strategic game out of everyone, I am positive it was better than Ken's or Jake's. Every round from the second round of the game, I was vulnerable for elimination (aside from an idol and two individual immunites). That takes a tole on the way you play the game, when you have to vote someone out every round. When you might lose an ally, or yourself. Every time someone is eliminated from this game, your game changes. Well, my game changed 15 times. I am not the same player you met on Atacama 27 days ago, because I've worked my ass bare to get where I am now. I aligned with the right people, the SMART people to align with, I made some really good friends that I trusted and who trusted me, and I pulled out the big moves when I NEEDED to, not just when it made me look good to jurors.

    Wendy Jo- No one knew about her going, but it made me realize that Chase/Ted were toast no matter what.

    Ted- Yes, I knew he was going. If I hadn't voted for him, I would have been the next to go after Chase.

    Chase- No, I thought it was going to be Ken that night. I did hear a little bit about Chase going, but it didn't seem like it would pan out completely. Or people just knew how close I was to him. He asked me not to use my idol on him, and I think that was the biggest influence his boot had on my game.

    Holly- No, I thought we had me/Tyson/Jolanda/Russell/Holly as a complete voting block. Unfortunately, Holly was blindsided along with myself. My WHOLE game changed after this vote, because I wanted the final three to be me/Jolanda/Holly at that point.

    Jill- I wasn't surprised by your boot, but I didn't direct it, either. You saw it all go down. I voted for you to assure that someone who voted for me left. I know that neither of our votes were personal.

    Russell- The next boot was going to be Ken, completely. But then Jake showed me his idol, and we decided together to eliminate the greatest threat to us: Russell. I was still kind of upset about him blindsiding me against the Holly vote. But voting for him was completely strategic, especially after seeing what he posted in his vote for me. I knew he wouldn't work with me again. Russell going meant that the final six vote would at least be a tie.

    Jolanda. Jolanda. icon_sad Yes, I knew about her boot before hand, but all the way up until my five minutes were over I had my pointer posted on the reply button with an idol attached to it. I just couldn't justify using it, and I would have been more vulnerable with everyone and stood no chance in the final three with her or Tyrone. So I had to go for it. With Jolanda gone, and the idol used on Ken, it cemented our 3-2 voting block, with potential for me to be the swing vote.

    Dan- yes, I knew Dan would be leaving, too. Him going was more to avoid a tie at the final four. He told Ken he thought I was a jury threat, so he would have probably used the same argument if I had voted to keep him at the final five, and I would have been super vulnerable at the final four.

    Tyrone- I wasn't sure about Tyrone leaving. I wanted the vote to be a tie between him and Ken, with them competing in a challenge to get to the end. Unfortunately, Jake switched his vote, too. I'm not too sure if Tyrone leaving has helped my game, or hurt it tremendously. I'm sure I'll find out soon, though.

    Jill wrote:BONUS QUESTION:

    Wendy Jo most resembles which influential historical figure:

    - Adolf Hitler
    - Jeffrey Dahmer
    - Judas
    - Osama Bin Laden
    - I don't know, just a big fucking steaming pile of crap.

    Judas. Judas was the best one.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Ken » Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:16:03 pm

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    Jill wrote:KEN:

    Ken, you are probably not going to get any votes tonight. However, I might consider being your only one. I think you have gotten a bad wrap, mainly from Palena because they were pissy because they didn't trust you and you proved them right. However, from the outside looking in I believe you played the best game of anyone sitting there on the final 3.

    I'd like to know which one of you had the better strategic game and played the game to the fullest extent. If you want to address that directly, please go ahead. Additionally, I'd like both of you to go through each post-merge vote, whether you knew it was going to happen and if so, why you thought that result was the best result for your own game. JAKE, you can answer this question if you want, but I'll be honest, the chances of me voting for you are pretty slim. Maybe if the other two fuck up entirely I'll throw you a vote, but don't count on it.
    Peace out kids and good luck!


    Wendy Jo most resembles which influential historical figure:

    - Adolf Hitler
    - Jeffrey Dahmer
    - Judas
    - Osama Bin Laden
    - I don't know, just a big fucking steaming pile of crap.

    Well it does baffle me that Palena did not trust me, essentially told me they did not trust me in telling me I almost went pre merge, then had the nerve to acted surprised when I flipped the script on them. Seems weird to me. I think I was at my strategic peak when it was Atacama 2.0. I was one of the more outspoken players strategically there, and I typically always had a hand in plotting the ouster of each player. The second swap followed by a merge really turned the tables on me, but I managed to still be a vital vote needed to get certain plans together, like getting rid of Russell and Holly, so I was in no way worthless, just more low key.

    Wendy Jo - Her leaving created a lot of chaos. Everyone was paranoid after that vote and that was terrific. People were not so happy with Holly trying to flip things last minute, so that animosity against her kept the target less on me and more on her.

    Ted - I had an alliance with Ted, but I don't think I was ever going to keep it 100%. I actually did not vote against him the night he left, though. I voted against Jo. Him leaving the way he did just meant that I would not have to betray him. Although I guess admitting I would do so is no better icon_whistling

    Chase - It was either him or me the night he went, and so him going was what I needed to gain new life in the game, which brings me to...

    Holly - Huge threat to win. Never trusted her at all, and she did not trust me either. Getting rid of her moved me higher up on the food chain.

    Jill - Pretty inv for a while, but you were Holly 2.0.

    Russell - He was one of the bigger liars here. He was a big reason as to why Yve did not trust me much for a while I think. Him leaving made mine and Yve's relationship better.

    Jolanda - Fierce in challenges, also had her whipping boy Tyrone. Take her out and he is powerless.

    Dan - Everyone loved Dan. He tried to play up that he was not here much and could not win, but people loved him and so him leaving once again increases my odds of making the final 3.

    Tyrone - Not much to be said. It was him or me, and so I am glad he left.

    As for which historical figure Wendy Jo is, she is Judas. The self righteous Palena members fancy themselves to be flawless like Jesus, and Judas betrayed Jesus.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Ken » Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:17:11 pm

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    Oh, I forgot to add, yes I knew about each vote before it went down, except for Tyrone when I was expecting a tie :)
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    Satisfied, Jillybean?
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    Russell wrote:It has been far too long since y'all heard my voice. RUSSELL HANTZ was the star of this show, and y'all jealous bitches got me out on a night when I couldn't even defend myself - and with an idol nonetheless. I really, really wanted Tyrone ta make final tribal council - and not fer the reason you shitheads think I woulda wanted him there for. He sucked ass, and I wanted to make sure he knew that. The fact that I've had to sit in Ponderosa where people are actin' like Tyrone wasn't a total useless sack a shit has been unbearable. His ass is lucky Palena didn't lose a challenge premerge.

    So Yve, I thank you for that at least. But I have many, many more reasons to hate you. Sorry you got HANTZOWNED at the final 9.


    Yve, you were my target at the merge. You were the only person that I had never met before, and I thought it was annoying as hell that everyone loved you so much. Your "social game" that everyone went on and on about was piss poor from my perspective. You crawled right up Holly's vag and made it clear to me that you were gonna ride Holly's ass as far as you could. And you woulda been able to! Not because of your wonderful "social game," but because the players that we were dealin' with were absolute shitheads. Not a smart one in the bunch. You were a huge threat to win this game since the merge, and I saw this comin' from miles away. Does that mean you deserve my vote? Hell no it doesn't. You were a whiny bitch who had no right bein' one. But your ability to mindfuck the other players into keepin' you in the game when it was absolutely not to they benefit is makin' me consider writin' yer name down.

    So answer me this question - Why should RUSSELL HANTZ, the GREATEST PLAYER OF ALL TIME, vote for such a spineless sack of shit player who woulda been booted at the final 8 in a game with no idols and smarter players?


    oh Kenny.

    I saved yer ass. I flipped that vote fer you, and you owed me the world. Instead... you took my ass outta the game at the final 7. I have no idea, whatsoever, why this jury hates you so much. I've enjoyed yer conversation since the beginning of this game. Maybe it's cause I wasn't worshipping Yve's snatch like the rest of these pathetic jurors. But I do have a question for you:

    In a world where Yve's bitch ass didn't find the idol, what would you have done at the final 7 to not go home?

    And lol @ the idea of voting fer Jake. If you insult Yve enough in yer response to this, then you might have the tiniest of chances of gettin' my vote.

    Y'all bitches don't even need ta kiss my ass. In yer response to this, let me know how you really felt. This is a chance fer even the biggest of shitheads *coughJakecough* ta win my vote. Be brutally honest about me, my gameplay, whatever. Win my vote.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Yve » Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:19:22 pm

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    I think it says more for someone's game if they're not in-the-know every time during a tribal council, but rebound enough to keep themselves safe again in time for the next one. icon_wink

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Russell » Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:27:03 pm

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    Yve wrote:I think it says more for someone's game if they're not in-the-know every time during a tribal council, but rebound enough to keep themselves safe again in time for the next one. icon_wink

    It doesn't.

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